Transparency? It sure is transparent. So transparent you can’t see it. (You'll never easily find it all.) Universal HealthCare? Na, it didn’t get shoved in there so you wouldn’t know we are going to control whether your doctor treats you or not. (anyone that may be a burden, with terminal sickness, we think is too old or have poor prognoses won’t be treated, because it’s a waste of resources.)
Spending money in stuipd places. (enough said there)
YOU WILL LIKE IT (you don't know - you don't care)
YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT’S GOOD FOR YOU (stupid beer drinkers)IT’S GOOD FOR YOU Sign your life away, NO! that's ok, you don't need to read it.YOU WILL LIKE IT (trust me) 
Boy oh boy, those biopsy needles are something...Going through your neck.... ew ew ew...I received the results from the second thyroid biopsy. (have no clue what happened to the first results with a different doctor, they never called or forwarded to my oncologist.) After all I have researched and doctor conversations, I’m not surprised it came back benign. I expected it actually. It could really be benign or it could be misdiagnosed. Which seems to run rampant. It seems to be a tricky thing these little thyroid follicles and tests they use.
Please do not perceive me to be acting as negative or a “downer”. Yes, of course I’m happy to hear the word benign. On the other hand I’m just not 100% convinced. I may never be. (Had I taken the initial word of a doctor a year ago, and not gone with my instincts, I seriously wouldn’t be here today.) However, I carry a light heart. It just doesn’t feel urgent to me at this point and I’m going to continue to appreciate and enjoy what I have. “This much” more time to enjoy my life and the people I love and the wonderful inspiring and encouraging old friends and new.