They play music to help entertain you while you're in there by yourself.... You have to hold still, so you can't tap your toe, but you can smile. And HEY, who wouldn't tap or smile when you hear the BeeGee's that you haven't heard in ages?
She also ordered a shot for me that I’ve never had for a surgery in my life. And I’ve had quite a few surgeries. Something that “makes your mouth dry” said the nurse. I asked if I really actually NEEDED it, I’d never had one before, and I’ve actually been battling a slight dehydration, which I was just finally starting to get over. She said the anesthesiologist ordered it, it dries you up because the anesthetic can make you moist, and quickly gave it to me in my arm… Obviously, no medication actually targets a place like “just your mouth”. Instead, it goes through your entire body. Thus causing not only my mouth to be super dry (and we’re 8 days out now) but my tongue & gums to be super sensitive, plus my insides hurt again like they did only a week after a chemo treatment. And I was FINALLY feeling better. I was really hoping I could hang on to that good feeling for a while before radiation starts (which I’ve been told also has adverse affects on how you feel, not as awful as chemo, but crappy just the same.) But NOoooooo. Thanks-a-lot… Dumb Ass. Damn it.