Scan results picked up THREE nodules / lesions so far… ((UltraSound scan picture below))
I fought for a week to get an appointment with an Endocrine doctor. Which I finally got at the last minute. They called me in the late morning as I was going out the door for another appointment to come in just a couple hours notice, being an hours drive away. I jumped on that! I brought copies of my Ultra Sound scans with me. While my mother will understandably cling to a diluted of version what she read (which I completely understand), the doctor was able to view the actual scan and determine that I do fall into the "5% of all patients" category (and 75% of another category of radiation patients) and have cancer in my thyroid. Thankfully he doesn’t feel it’s something I have to be overly alarmed about at this precise moment. It doesn’t appear to be the most aggressive type at this point. He believes it to be Papillary cancer (which is still a carcinoma). I will be having a biopsy this Friday. The office doesn’t think they will have the results for at least a week, which seems like an awful long time to me. Thyroid cancers can like any other cancer, spread into the lymph nodes and/or metastasize into nearby tissues, including lungs etc. But I am breathing a little easier with the impression that this may be a slower spreader. I may be able to enjoy Christmas yet.
(of course, I’m finding biopsies of this nature may not be very accurate. What does one do with that information?)
In case anyone decides to argue or challange the doctor findings, below is a synopsis what was on the report AND an actual US picture of my thyroid.
Scan report: "At least 3 nodules in right lobe – 2 = hypoechoic solid mass w/ coarse peripheral calcifications & suggestion of microcallcifications \ 1 = cystic appearing w/ bright internal echo."